My goals for this year will be:
Eliminate sugar and flour from my diet.
Run for at least 40min every day.
Subscribe to www.yogadownload.com for unlimited Yoga classes for $10 per month and not attend classes anymore saving $240 (= cost of enrolling for a year $360 less yogadownload cost of $120)
Enroll Joshua in a martial arts course at Smeaton Grange.
Pay a further $5000 off the mortgage.
Save any coins left over at the end of the week into a jar to fund a family holiday at the end of the year.
A year of no spending on anything that is not a fixed or essential item listed in our budget(no clothes, takeaway, kitchen ware, household goods, toys, gifts). This means no op shopping either.
Make all gifts myself.
Homeschool Joshua through preschool.
Take Joshua out of swim lessons and teach him myself using the neighbour's pool and the websites U-swim and Austswim.
Hand wash all clothes except for Stephen's work clothes and the sheets, towels and kitchen cloths.
Shop every 2 months for fruit and veggies at Flemington Markets and bulk freeze, bottle or dehydrate. On alternate months deposit the allocated money saved back into the mortgage.
Use the library more often.
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